Saturday 4 June 2016

Review: Bench PaintBox Lip and Cheek Creme

Bench is a Philippine retail brand that does not only specialises in clothes,bag and accessories but has branched out in the make-up business. Their quality has gotten some good reviews and has even reached foreign shores. 

Their make-up line is known as PaintBox. And there are several make-up items that fall under this line. And it was one of those impulsive days that I decided to give  their Lip and Cheek Creme a try. For P129.00..what have I got to lose,right? The decision to try this first was based on the fact that I have still several existing lipsticks and lip tint and lip stain that I have yet to try (and eventually post a review of it). This particular item seemed "different" and worth the try. 

It comes in three different shades of pink ranging from mauve brown, light pink and bright pink but I went for the more neutral and earthy shade of pink.

I was quite surprise upon opening it that the contents were not exactly full. It seemed that the "creme" itself was packed waaaay down the bottom. The outer tubular size seemed like an illusion as to what was really inside. The inside was slimmer, just enough for the brush to fit in. (I was a bit disappointed in finding out this)

As for the creme itself, it had this mousse-like consistency. And it took three attempts to get the most of what was hidden inside.

On application, surprisingly it was smoother than what I was expecting. The color was subtle when I applied it over my existing matte lipstick. It sort of gave it a minimal shine. I only applied it on the lower lip to show the comparison with the upper lip that had lipstick already.

I have yet to try this on the cheeks so my review is only limited on my experience on the lips.

  1. The price (quite affordable)
  2. It glided quite easily and blended just fine
  3. Provided instant smooth looking lips (although only temporary as it comes off easily)

  1. The contents (very minimum)
  2. Comes of quite easily and may need constant application (therefore if this were to be used as an everyday make-up necessity, chances of it lasting for atleast a month may not fair so well)
  3. Limited range of colors

Will I buy this again? Probably not. If they would improve and add more to the contents. I mean the container was quite deceiving as to how much there really was

Monday 23 May 2016

Review: Belo Intensive Whitening Face and Neck Cream

So, I got this product together with Belo BB cream. I was inclined to get this because for P269.75, who could resist that price especially one that belongs to a familiar household name for skincare. And besides, although I have been religiously applying lotion daily, it has been limited to my arms,legs and body...not so much has been applied in my face (a little cleansing and toner ...that's just about it). So I kind of figured, why not start now...

That familiar orange and white color combination that screams intense whitening product here

This particular "intensive whitening" Belo line of product boasts two of the most powerful whitening ingredients: Kojic Acid and Tranexamic Acid. Most of the whitening products on display would only have the (popular) Kojic Acid infused in them OR a small amount of Tranexamic Acid but this particular line of whitening product has the combination the two. But wait..won't doubling the dose of "acid" to our skin be harmful? A quick research eased this concern. Apparently,  Kojic Acid is an organic compound that stops melanin production, thus giving our skin a visibly lighter appearance. Tranexamic Acid on the other hand, is a peptide that prevent inflammation and melanin formation,as well. It supposedly works best on stubborn dark sports. Hence, giving our skin a more even and radiant look.  .

Personally, I think this cream is the least messy of all creams as it comes with a little curved spatula. Thus, sparing us from dipping and dipping again our fingers into the tub which technically is unhygienic therefore defeating the purpose of "skincare".

Look! Don't let the small size fool you. It's a useful spatula

The smell is quite strong especially for one that will be applied to your face ( a.k.a areas near your nose). But I hear this is similar to their body lotion. The smell will eventually go away. The lotion is best described as watery-thick. Best to apply it thinly but take note a small amount goes a really long way. For one, this product has SPF 30. Although I apply this only during the night (as I am currently alternately using the Belo BB Cream which has a higher SPF at 50). Plus it absorbs quickly,leaving a rather dewy look that will quickly dry without drying your face and neck but rather keeping it moisturise all day (or in my case, all-night).

A bit watery-thick consistency that absorbs quickly

Easy to apply that leaves my skin dewy and moisturised 

On initially application to the face, again the first thing that I noticed was the smell. It was a pleasant one but quite strong. But, my face was immediately transformed to dewy-looking.

And after a week's use, I noticed my skin to be less-tired and "less-deprived-of-sleep" each morning (remember, I apply it only at night). And my skin did lighten just a bit. 

Will update you guys again in another week or so to see how this product goes.

  1. It absorbs quickly. 
  2. It gives this initial dewy look that will keep your skin moisturised all-day
  3. The price is so temptingly affordable (with that tub and a small goes a really long way)
  4. Surprisingly, it did lighten a bit my face  (this was in a week's time of usage)
  5. It has SPF 30 
  6. It is hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested ( so with confidence, any one can use this product)
  7. It is one of the most hygienic and least messy cream as it comes with a little spatula for application


  1. The cover ( Laugh all you want but I initially found it hard to open the tub...but atleast, you know spillage is prevented)
  2. The smell ( like I mentioned earlier ,it can be a bit overwhelming ...BUT for some strange reason, it can be addicting--I for one could not help but smell it often when I tested it in my I don't know if this is a con or a pro)
Will I buy it again? Yes. Why not..especially after seeing the initial one week result. This looks promising.

Review: Belo Intensive Whitening BB Cream

Soon summer (along with it the heat it brings) is almost over but that does not mean we should be lax with protecting our skin. I stumbled upon the  Belo Intensive Whitening BB Cream by chance as I dodged inside the mall thanks to the sudden rain downpour ( I did mention earlier that summer was almost over)...and because I did not want to appear as one of those hit-and-run shoppers (those that will look around forever but will leave the store empty-handed) as I figured I will be inside for quite some time ( I knew I should have not taken out my umbrella and left it at home the very last minute)---I decided to browse the first rack I saw which happened to be the skin care section. And what do you know, right within eye-level was this bright orange-white packaging that proudly had itself labeled under Belo products. Curiosity got to me and I picked it up.

Double Duty: Kojic Acid + Tranexamic Acid

I first came across the term "BB Cream" around the very same time the influence of Korean, Japanese was reaching it's peak in our country (thanks to all those KPop and JPop...not to mention the Korean dramas and Japanese dramas--you get the picture). From the medical point, a quick history will show that BB cream was initially first used for burn patients. Recently, BB cream has been manufactured to give the skin that even radiant (and sometimes) dewy fresh natural look. Personally, I like using BB cream rather than foundation and such as it feels lighter and absorbs faster in my skin. And because of this, I have tried several brands of BB cream. Currently, I have been a fan of Pond's BB Cream in light shade.

A really long list of ingredients--compacted in a 10ml tube

Ofcourse, this does not mean I am open to still try other brands. More so one that has always been a household name when it comes to skin care. Also, Belo is a local brand (support and love your own,right?)

For the price of P378.00, you get 10ml worth of cream. It only comes in one shade "Medium to Deep" but don't let the name fool you, as you can see here, the cream is on the light shade

Appears to be lighter than my skin color

With proper application, the cream is easily absorbed but leaves your skin a bit smoother

It absorbs quickly and making my skin a bit more even-looking

According to the product, this can be used alone or can be layered under your favourite foundation or powder (in my case, I will try layering it before applying my existing Pond's BB Cream). However, it is important to remember that as much as possible, this should not be applied close in the eye area as it contains both Kojic Acid and Tranexamic Acid. Therefore it MAY cause mild peeling within sensitive areas such as the under eyes area.

I will update you guys once I have atleast reached the two-week application marks but so far the initial application may not exactly cover totally the eyebags but it did give my skin a light fresh looking appearance. As for the claims of tone correcting features, it may need longer application to see it (as I have just started using it..perhaps in two week's time?)


  1. The smell (it gives off this powdery scent--which would help tune in our mind that you yourself are fresh-looking already)
  2. It absorbs quickly (leaving your skin smooth)
  3. It is SPF 50 and pa++++ (bring it on, Mr. Sun)
  4. It has tone correcting feature (no more stubborn dark spots)
  5. It is hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested (Carrying the name of a world-renowned dermatologist, no doubt she has ensured only the best for her product line)
  6. It is non-comedogenic and paraben-free (although parabens are relatively safe, it has shown that they can disrupt estrogen production that has been linked to breast cancer and reproductive issues (yikes!) while non-comedogenic basically means, it won't clog your pores which would lead to pimples (double yikes!)

  1. The price (although it is cheaper that more branded ones...still I wish they could just lessen the price just a wee bit)

Will I buy it again? Yes, despite my qualms on the price...the Pros clearly outweighs my one and only con

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Review: Tony Moly Lip Stain No. 2 Red

I'd like to believe that lip tints were invented for those who wished to achieve that natural healthy coloured lips or who would want to enhance their natural lip color. They don't feel heavy on the lips with application. For this reason, I love lip tints!

I have tried several lip tints and have stocked with them for a couple of years but I am open trying other brands as well. Tony Moly is one the many Korean brand that specializes on make-up and skin care that is available in the country. Truth be told I have never stepped inside their store but have been tempted more than once to do so but that temptation came to an end when I decided to give in this afternoon and see what they had to offer.

First thing that I asked as soon as i entered was their lip tint. The sales lady immediately pointed on to me a rack full of their lip tint. Their version comes in three different colors, they were simply labeled as no.1, no.2 and no.3.  (but for more detailed names: No. 1 is Cherry Pink, No. 2 is Red and No. 3 is Orange Cha Cha--although as of this posting, I did not see No. 3) . I was told that No. 2 is their best seller. So without hesitation, I purchased it at P198 (not bad at all, roughly this would be $ 4-5)

Wasn't able to picture the cute heart-shaped cap

According to their website, Tony Moly Delight Lip Tint
1. Lip tint with 98% of moisture base 2. Botanical oil prevents from drying and keeps moisture on lips 3. Fresh and fruit scent

Tony Moly lip tint comes in a clear tube with a heart shaped cover that also serves as an applicator at the end. Just like most tube lip make-up, it is protectively sealed with a clear plastic but easy to remove. Uncapping the lip tint, the first thing I notice was the smell. It was a fruity smell. Initially, it smelt like grapes then later like cherries. Either, it was indeed a pleasant smell. The tint itself was more of a watery-gel like consistency. 

Careful when uncapping as the tint may spill.

The color when applied on my hand seemed quite dark but when mixed evenly leaves a more natural color but had a shimmery effect.

For a small amount, it is highly pigmented.

Shiny shimmery

Application on the lips, I tried to achieve the gradient color for a more natural look..what do you think?

Surprisingly, it was easy to apply--considering I was half-asleep at the wee-hours of the morning
(Tip: try scrubbing your lips first, you may apply lip balm after then outline the outer lips with a concealer before applying the tint at the centre. Use your ring finger for more control without the heaviness)

I also tried it on my cheeks as well :)

Taken with the bathroom light at the crack of dawn 

This was after 8 hours. 
The tint survived both on the cheeks and on the lips (woo-hoo!)

  1. The price (affordable!)
  2. The packaging (who could resist the heart-shaped cover--it brings  out the girly side in me)
  3. The smell (very pleasant fruity smell that won't offend anyone especially those with sensitive nose---if only I could figure out whether it is grapes or cherries. I welcome anyone who could help me out in this)
  4. The tint is very pigmented (one application on lips in okay)
  5. When applied on the cheeks, it can give that "I-just-ran" flushed look 
  6. The lasting factor (as you can see,it lasted for 8 hours)

  1. It stains on your fingers or hands (perhaps being very pigmented has its downside but you need alcohol to remove it from your hands)
  2. When not applied properly it can come out as uneven.
  3. Towards the end of the day, it can leave a halo ring around your inner lips ( If you are planning a night get together, you may need to reapply or use this as a base coat prior to applying a dab of lipstick)

Will I buy this again? Yep! But it may take awhile before I repurchase it (I thinking 6 months if used daily) as I have mentioned, one small dab can go a long way. So don't worry if the tint is only 9ml,all you need is a very very small amount 

Sunday 15 May 2016

Review: Beautylabo Pure Beige Hair Color

My hair has been dyed several times over the past years (usually I'd go for the warm brown tones that would range from medium brown to copper brown). I think the most daring color I had was supposedly the lightest brown color offered but turned out to be more blond on me (I was called Goldilocks for a time--so you can imagine the color impact it had on me). It was only recently that I discovered DIY hair color kit. Perhaps it must have been the cute attractive package it came with or the increase in price to have your hair done at the salon.

Anyway.....i discovered Hoyu Beautylabo hair color by accident. I was not meaning to buy it when i stepped inside the store but seeing how attractive it was (It came in a pink themed was all I needed to see). I narrowed my choices to Creamy Ash and Pure Beige. But since I was hoping to achieve a lighter color from my existing color (Dark Copper Brown), Pure Beige won.
My previous color under nature light indoors

Beautylabo comes in the following colors: 
Honey Blonde, Natural Blonde, Creamy Ash, Candy Apricot, Raspberry pink, Dark Brown and Pure Beige

The winning choice 

Not to mention the oh-so affordable price. As of this posting, one box cost me P239 ( roughly $5). If you have short to medium length hair,one box will do but for longer hair (meaning length is past the bra line), safer bet was to get two boxes.

From my understanding (a.k.a. researching from the ever reliable internet)--Beautylabo products were originally from Japan but lately these products are made in Thailand. Either way, still asian made---meaning it will suit Asian hair the best (I hope)

Opening the box would reveal:

1.Cream Colorant (this is already incorporated inside the clear bottle marked No.2)

2.Developer colorant (comes in the sachet marked no.1)

3.Pink nozzle for application

4.Plastic gloves

5. DIRECTIONS guide in 4 languages (although the pictures are clear enough to understand)

6. Bonus : After-color cream protectant (not all the time do the box carry this..I think I must have gotten at the time that there was a promo)

Taken again from the internet

I initially thought that there was not much difference in the color (*sniff*)  but after towel drying and air drying it, the color slowly came out. Indoors, the color is quite subtle but outside or when natural (our beloved sun) or artificial light (a.k.a bathroom light)--wow! the color pops out..not in a Goldilocks kind of way but it makes you look quite refresh and enhances your skin-color (esp if you are achieving white skin)..well, that's how I felt.
I thought there was no change in color (huhuhu) but then again this was under poor light
Under the light indoors, the color started to show (yay!)

  1. The price (very affordable)
  2. The package (so easy on the eyes...people like me are easily drawn to it)
  3. Easy to use..(literally a 1,2,3 step process)
  4. Did not make my hair dry (considering the fact that I had used ordinary shampoo and conditioner after. It also helped that the box I bought came with a free after-color cream)

  1. The smell (it had this ammonia-like smell..if you have sensitive nose,best that the area where you plan on having to color your hair is well-ventilated. Otherwise, the smell can be a bit overpowering)
  2. It didn't come with a shower cap ( based on experience, the color will absorb more if it is wrapped. 

Day 1 post-color:
My hair is still surprisingly soft (actually it is softer than my normal everyday hair). Although, the "I-just-colored-my-hair" smell is still there (just a whiff though)

The effect must have been as such since this was taken under yellow light
Under the sun, it gave a much softer brownish color. I will try to post a picture taken outdoors next time.
For some reason, Beautylabo made my natural curls seem to stand out in a softer sense. (I am as surprise as you are!) With the humidity now, my hair WAS limped and oh-so dry

Will I buy this product again? YES! I loved how the color came out.

Thursday 14 April 2016

Review: Wet n' Wild Mega Last Matte Lip Color "In The Flesh" Shade

Lately I find myself drawn to nude matte lipsticks. Just like any girl who appreciates lipstick, I look for that so-called lasting factor (or atleast long enough to last 1/6 of the day = 4 hours) .
I chanced upon Wet n' Wild Mega Last Matte lip color while browsing the net. The words Mega + Last were enough to peak my curiosity. 

According to previous reviews, the color "In The Flash" is perfect for all skin tones. And so with that in mind, I headed to the mall the following day. It must have been meant for me to try as the sales lady mentioned that only three stocks were left. Hesitated I did not and quickly paid for the lipstick.

What it promises:

  • 4-hour longwearing lip colors leave a semi-matte cream finish 
  • Hyaluronic Microspheres adhere to lips to make them long-lasting 
  • An exclusive polymer complex make your lips cushiony and plump 
  • Natural marine plant extracts coenzyme Q10 and vitamins A & E help smooth lips 

  • Bonus: Winner of the Allure Best of Beauty Award

    According to their official website:
    This is basically our Magnum Opus of lipstick—it’s the one thing we absolutely MUST put on when we’ve got a cocktail party or black tie event. This 4-hour, longwearing lip color leaves a semi-matte cream finish in one stroke. Glides on easily with rich, velvety color that doesn’t cake, feather, or bleed. Made with hydrating skin-care ingredients: Hyaluronic Microspheres provide extraordinary adhesion to lips, an exclusive polymer complex offers cushion-like feel and texture, and natural marine plant extracts coenzyme Q10 and vitamins A & E help smooth lips. 
    Looks promising so far...

    "In The Flesh" is a dusty rose color that for me "enhances" the natural lip color of a person. Perfect for an "everyday to day" wear. Peeling off the plastic cover wasn't a problem for me but rather trying to open the clear top. It was a bit difficult to pop it open for fear that I might ruin the lip color even before trying it. The matte color glided easily unto my lips (but I would recommend scrubbing a bit your lips so application will be smoother---although it is sold as semi-matte, the finish is more matte). One application is just about right if you are going to do errands. 

    The lip color did deliver it's promise of 4 hour wear (okay, so maybe I might have just dabbed a tiny bit in the centre of my lips after I had eaten lunch..but it was just a tiny dab..really it was!)

    Since, I only got one color to try it out..I can not speak for the other colors as to the staying power of it but considering that this falls on the nude shades and it lasted roughly 4 hours, I wouldn't be surprise if the other colors would deliver the same.

    1. Affordable (considering it gives the same shade as more expensive brands..therefore, one wouldn't mind using this every day without thinking that for every swipe of the lipstick is swiping away the money you made for an expensive lipstick
    2. Highly pigmented (therefore one application is enough for lip coverage)
    3. Lasting power ( Like I said , i was satisfied that it did deliver the 4 hour longwearing lip color)

    1. The packaging ( I'm pretty sure those who have reviewed this would agree to put this as the no. 1 dislike. It was a struggle to open it and I felt like I was defusing a bomb putting back the clear cover--ONLY because I was afraid the lip color will be ruined by smudging the cover)
    2. The smell (Yes, I did place it close to my nose to get a whiff of it...I can't really place the description of the's not awful revolting kind of smell but it sort of smells like those lipsticks you see being sold in gas stations or side streets...)

    Will I recommend this particularly this shade of lip color? YES! (But only after I have secured myself a couple or it is easily the best-selling color among the lot of 26 shades.

    Also I might try getting other shades from this line just to you know..complete the set.

    (Note: Will upload some pics later...the "lazy me" won and I can not get myself to transfer the pictures from my phone to here)

    I don't believe any lip shade is off-limits, but texture is key. A sheer lipstick in a healthy pink or neutral color looks more polished and grown-up than a super-shiny gloss---Bobbi Brown